Meet Your Photo Director: Bella Russo

Meet Your Photo Director: Bella Russo

November 21, 2022 in Features

by Mary Dougherty- DJ Dad Shoes

What's your position and how long have you been on staff?

I am photo director and I have been on staff since summer of 2022!

What is your typical day like as a staff member?

I wake up and sit up in my bed and stretch like I'm in a movie, because my life is a movie. I go to class, bug people by texting in the discord, and do some photo editing on this bootleg photoshop website called Photopea (run it up!) If there's a KVRX production or an event that I'll be photographing, I get my camera ready, remembering at the last minute that my camera battery is dead, and frantically plugging it in. Then, I get my butt down to the function (usually Local Live), line up the perfect shot, mentally congratulate myself for being the worlds best photographer, and take the picture, except I've forgotten to take the lens cap off my camera so nothing happens.

What do you do outside of KVRX?

I'm super into couponing and cutting wood with a hand saw. I also work as a barista. I love asking get to know you questions and doing shallow icebreaker activities with people! I love looking at trees and doing crosswords as well, and sometimes I read half of a book and put it down and never finish it!

What is the name of your show? What is your show about?

My show is called Family Dinner. This is because my family usually eats dinner at 10 pm, so it's kind of fitting. Whenever I listen to the radio, I feel like I'm hanging out with the DJ, whoever or wherever they are and that's the vibe I wanted to convey in my show :) I play post punk because I need the energy.

If you could only play one album on your show what album would it be? Why?

I would play the B-52's Party Mix/ Mesopotamia compilation for the sole purpose of playing Mesopotamia over and over. Everyone loves the B-52s!

Favorite concert?

I saw Big Thief last fall at ACL live. I was right in front of Adriane Lenker. If you weren't there, the band did not talk for the entire first half of the set. Then, Adriane Lenker leans into the mic and starts talking about this dream she had where a strange woman fed her a cookie and taught her how to enjoy eating cookies. Then the band proceeded to play songs that Adriane Lenker had heard in her other dreams. It sounds corny but they were so weird and genuine and I was so amazed.

If you could have your favorite artist sing you Happy Birthday who would it be and why?

I would get the singer from Dry Cleaning to sing it, because I KNOW she'd go off script and start talking about income tax collection or something.

If you could only listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life, what song would it be?

Kerosene! by Yves Tumor, it's been my favorite song since 2020. I used to wake up in the middle of the night, listen to Kerosene, and go back to bed. It's just a sexy ass song (can I say this?).

What's your favorite KVRX memory?

I have a lot of favorite KVRX memories! One that sticks out is seeing Honey Made play at Local Live last year, and they invited everyone into the studio to sing and dance with them.

Lastly...what advice would you give to the new DJs?

My advice is to open a 401K. It's never too early to start investing in YOUR future <3

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